Websvn and parentPath issue

I've been using websvn for a long time. After switching from Ubuntu to Arch Linux on my VPS, I've encountered a weird issue setting up websvn; it took me hours to fix it so I decided to share.

If you have multiple svn repositories in /pub/svn/ and you want to set this directory as parent you'll use


in /path/to/websvn/include/config.php. If even after doing so websvn continues to complain that you didn't set any repositories to display, don't punch your screen and calm down :P

Please set up a repository in include/config.php using $config->parentPath or $config->addRepository. See the installation guide for more details.

It's probably because php doesn't have permission to work in that directory. You can solve this issue by adding the path you keep your svn repositories to open_basedir in your /etc/php/php.ini

open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/pub/svn/

Restart apache and websvn will see your repositories ;)