Conky and semi-transparency

Conky and semi-transparency

Originally, Conky describes itself as 'a light-weight system monitor'. But now (current version is 1.8.1) it is pretty much extended and usable for lots of things. For example I am using it as a calendar (with when), a todo list and a 'now playing' indicator.

I was using conky with fully-transparent background. But after I've seen Rainmeter on Windows (especially illustro theme) I wanted my conky's background to be semi-transparent. Then guess what? I typed it to Google :P Researching for a while, I found nothing useful. Then it all came back to me, an elder with long, white beard (he should be Stallman I guess :P) spelled the magical letters:

$ man conky

After a few shots, I found options I needed.

own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_argb_value 180

own_window_argb_value can be defined in range 0-255. With the increasing argb_value, conky's background gets less transparent.

Hope it works for someone else! :)